System Configuration

The following pages describe the installation of WaterGate by going through all the possible entries in WtrConf. After that, we assume that you have become familiar with the system and explain several complete installations. This chapter will also teach you to use the user interface.

During this documentation, the term WaterGate refers to the entire package and the terms WtrGate, WtrConf and WtrUtil refer to separate programs of this package.

To start, unpack the archive containing the program files into a new directory on your hard disk, for example C:\WTRGATE. At least the following three executables should be present in the archive:


You might want to set a environment variable called WTRGATE to this directory so WaterGate knows where to find its configuration files when not started from its home directory. Add this line to your autoexec.bat file:


Then run the configuration program, WtrConf, to create new configuration and database files. If you don't run it from the installation directory, make sure the WTRGATE environment variable is set, as indicated above. You might want to reboot or set it manually before continuing.

After starting WtrConf, you will see the following menu:

WtrConf Main Menu

You can select a menu line with the cursor keys up and down. To select one of the options, press enter. You can also exit a menu by pressing escape. In this case, pressing escape will present another menu, asking if you really want to quit the program. Select Yes and press enter to quit, or press escape again to return to the main menu. You can also exit the program by selecting the bottom menu option. To get there, use the cursor keys or press PgDn (page down).

To get back at the top of the menu, press PgUp (page up). You can also use the Home and End keys. You can always use function key F1 to get context sensitive help. Try pressing F1 in the Main Menu.

To remove the help window, you have to press escape. It is sometimes possible to use special keys in the help screens, like PgUp and PgDn. The help screens will tell you when.

Last remark before we start. Have a look at the bottom line of the screen. It shows most of the keys you can use throughout the program and will change to reflect the keys you can use at a certain point.

The keys line looks like this when you are in a menu:
Example Keys Line

We start with System Configuration, so select the top option from the Main Menu and press enter. You are now presented with a new menu, which looks like this:

WtrConf System Configuration Menu

The System configuration menu is split into several parts, starting with general system settings, followed by five options that have to do with FidoNet settings, followed by three options for UUCP configuration settings. The last separate options are to setup the gateway and the private mail scanning system, to tune the log file and to setup the administrator.

System settings

Let's start with System settings. Press enter to get the screen:

WtrConf System Settings

This is a window with fields where you can enter data. You can use the cursor keys up and down to go through the fields. There are a number of different type of editing fields, but they all have one thing in common: press enter to edit the contents.


The first field in this window is "SysOp". You have to put your name there. Since this is a text field, you can either press enter and edit away or you can start typing at once, without first pressing enter. This will clear the current contents of the field. So, press enter if you want to change its contents, or just start typing to completely replace it.

When editing a text field, you can always press escape to stop editing and restore the old contents. If you are satisfied with the new contents, you have to press the enter key to accept the changes. Inside the field, you can use the cursor keys left and right to move the cursor through the field. The backspace and delete keys work as expected. Insert mode is always on, though.

You can clear the contents of the field from the cursor position to the end of the field, by using the WordPerfect method: ctrl+end. To jump to the following or previous word, you can hold down the control key (ctrl) and use the cursor keys again. Finally, the home key brings you to the beginning of the field and the end key to the last character of the contents.

The SysOp field is used when WaterGate has to write special replies, for example for AreaFix. More about that later. Let's go to the next field.

System path

You have to enter the path to the WaterGate databases here, in our example C:\WTRGATE. This path information is stored in the WaterGate configuration database. It finds this database by looking at the environment variable WTRGATE. The path in this field will be used to find the other databases after having read the configuration file. So:

System Path ->
The other *.TDB files

AreaFix and NewsFix

The next two fields are the names for AreaFix and newsfix, programs integrated in WTRGATE.EXE. A user can write a message to these programs to connect and disconnect areas and to change settings that are personal to that user. The names you enter in these fields are the names your users have to use when writing a message to them. AreaFix is used for FidoNet and newsfix is used for UUCP. It is conventional to use mixed case names for FidoNet ("AreaFix") and flat, lower case names for UUCP ("newsfix"). We will get back to these names later and assume you are using the default names, so there is no reason to change them here.


On to the next two fields that have to do with dupe checking. WaterGate is able to identify two messages as being identical (duplicates) and then only distribute the first. This prevents wasting disk space and transport time.

At this moment, the method used to identify duplicates inside the WaterGate program is not very robust. We therefore advise big systems to disable duplicate checking until we have implemented a better algorithm. (At this moment, one database with a maximum of 16000 entries is used to keep track of all FidoNet and UUCP messages. No way is this enough for a system receiving packets via satellite. Future algorithms will not only separate Fido and UUCP dupes, but also do message/reply id bridging and allow a bigger duplicates database).

The first field you can set for the duplicates checking is a "toggle" field. Toggles are used to select from two or more predefined options, in this case ON and OFF. You can only use enter to toggle the setting. The one in upper case is the current selection.

The next field is a numeric input field, where (in this case) you can input the number of duplicates WaterGate has to "remember". The number in our example window is 10000, which means WaterGate will identify two duplicates, even if 9999 messages are sent in between. The maximum number you can enter here is 16000.

When a duplicate message is found, it will be destroyed by default. Later in the configuration, you can also create a message base to put the duplicates in.

Max. open handles

Because opening and closing a file takes a lot of time, WaterGate tries keep an outgoing mail bundle open as long as possible. If you allow it to use more file handles, you can drastically reduce the number of open/close actions.

By default, WaterGate tries to open up to 8 handles for outgoing mail packets. If you don't export mail to other computers, then you can reduce this setting to 1. If you do export mail, try increasing this number by 1 for each node. WaterGate is capable of using up to 100 file handles. If you have more nodes than handles, files are closed in a priority order: the more mail a node receives, the less often its packets are opened and closed.

Depending on its configuration, WaterGate needs up to 10 file handles for its own use, the system will use a few too, so make sure you have a matching number in your CONFIG.SYS:


Cache .TDB files

WaterGate is able to copy its databases containing users and areas into XMS memory, decreasing disk access during a run. To activate this option, toggle "Cache .TDB files" to ON.

At startup, WaterGate will copy its databases into XMS memory, up to the amount of available memory. WaterGate has no other use for XMS memory besides caching its databases and shelling.

Oversized path

When WaterGate encounters a message bigger than it can handle, it will use the 'Oversized' path to store it for the SysOp to look at. The maximum size of a message is limited by the amount of free memory, which should be approximate 200 kilobytes.

If you use a swap file (see below), WaterGate will only use the oversized directory if the swap file gets full as well.

Log file path

Use the 'Log file path' to specify a complete path and file name for WaterGate's log file. This file is used by both WaterGate and WtrUtil to log run-time actions.

This path is also used to write the statistics file. This file takes the same name as the log file, but with the extension .STA. So, if your log file is called WTRGATE.LOG, the statistics log is named WTRGATE.STA and put in the same directory as the log file.

Use swap file?

WaterGate is able to use a swap file as additional memory. If it runs out of normal memory to store a message in, it will swap all lines out of normal memory into the swap file. This frees up a lot of normal memory, allowing another couple of thousand lines to be read again. If it fills up again, it flushes these lines to the swap file as well, and so on. You can limit this by configuring a maximum swap file size.

Since WaterGate is not capable of using XMS memory to store messages, you might be able to setup the swap file on a RAM-drive and let the RAM-drive use XMS memory. In this case, though, the swap file is limited by the available memory. It may be better to put the swap file on hard disk, so you can process those 1 megabyte+ news and FTP-mail messages easily.

You can use the toggle 'Use swap file?' to switch the swap file usage on and off. It is on by default.

Swap file path

Since you might want to put the swap file on a RAM-drive, you can enter the complete path plus filename for the swap file in this field. WaterGate will create the file by itself and delete it after running.

Swap file size

To set a maximum size for the swap file (you don't want it to use up all of your hard disk space, do you?), you must enter a limit in megabytes here. The default is 2 megabytes. WaterGate will not use the space unless necessary. You can check the swap file usage in the log file.

The main use for the limit is when putting the swap file on a RAM-drive. Depending on your mail configuration, between 1 and 2 megabytes should be enough for the swap file. Let us know if you ever have to process bigger files (FTP-mail).

Time slicing

WaterGate supports Windows, OS/2 and DesqView by giving up time slices to make sure it WtrGate.exe or WtrUtil.exe doesn't hog the CPU.

If you are experiencing problems with the time slicing support, then you can switch it off by setting this toggle to NO. Otherwise leave it to YES.

Minimum disk free

You can tell WaterGate to monitor the free space on one or more of your hard drives. The space will be checked regularly by wtrgate.exe while it is working on your messages.

If the free spaces runs below the limit set in this field, then WtrGate will stop.

Drives to check

You can select the drives you want to have checked for free disk space in this field. Simply type the drive letters. For example, "CDT" to check drives C:, D: and T:.
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Last updated 13 October 1996